
Social Security Disability in Laredo, TX

Qualifications to receive SSDI and SSI benefits in Laredo
Are disabled and unable to work? Is your condition expected to last for at least 12 continuous months? Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) in Laredo, Texas, is awarded to workers who are disabled, according to the Social Security Administration, and who have a severe physical or mental health condition which does not allow them to perform substantial gainful activity (SGA) for at least 12 continuous months or is expected to result in their death.

Not all disabled workers can receive SSDI in Laredo. Workers must first work and pay enough in employment taxes to earn 20-40 work credits over the course of their employment. The amount of work credits needed to be insured will vary by age at the time of disability. Most full-time workers in Laredo can earn 4 work credits per year.

Auxiliary SSDI benefits in Laredo may also be paid to qualifying widows, widowers, dependents and disabled dependents over 18 years old, who were disabled prior to the age of 22.

Not all Laredo workers qualify for SSDI. If a worker has not worked or paid taxes they will not qualify. The Federal Government does, however, offer Supplemental Security Income in Laredo to claimants who are disabled, blind or aged (age 65 and older). SSI claimants must also have very limited income and resources. Claimants who are approved for Supplemental Security Income in Laredo may also qualify for Medicaid at the time of their approval.

Laredo disability lawyers, experienced and resourceful

Our sponsoring Laredo social security disability lawyers and advocates are well trained, experienced and resourceful. They realize the situation that their clients are in and do their best to ensure that benefits are awarded at the earliest. Laredo social security disability lawyers or advocates know the areas where errors can occur, such as a clerical error by the government clerk. They will make certain that such errors will not crop up in your case. Your attorney or advocate will attend to the arduous task of following up the case with the authorities. You will not have to wait in long queues at government offices.

When you hire a disability lawyer in Laredo, they can also help you find out if you even qualify for disabiilty. Your disability must qualify and be proven on paper, our network of Laredo disability attorneys can help you with this. Do not try to handle everything on your own, let the experience of an attorney be your guide to receiving benefits. In most cases, an attorney will not collect fees unless your claim is approved.

To apply for the Social Security Disability Insurance program or Supplemental Security Income in Laredo or any other city in the surrounding areas including: Rio Grande City, Alice, Kingsville, Corpus Christi, Monterrey, Monclova, and Victoria contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) in any of the following ways:

  • Call the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213.
  • Visit the Social Security Administration website at
  • Visit a Social Security Disability regional representative in your area. To locate the nearest Social Security Administration Field Office in Laredo go to the Social Security Administration website. Find the Office locator site at and enter your zip code. The site will list the nearest Social Security Administration office in your area.

The Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR) helps claimants throughout Texas by filing all reconsiderations, scheduling hearings and handling all Appeal Council reviews. The ODAR for the Dallas Region, which includes Laredo, services residents in the Great Plains and Southwest states including: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. The office for the Dallas Regional ODAR is listed below

Social Security Administration,
Office of Adjudication and Review (ODAR),
Suite 460,
1301 Young Street,
Dallas, Texas 75202-5433

Telephone: (214) 767-9401
Fax: (214) 767-9407

San Antonio ODAR Hearing Office (includes Laredo)

Each request for a hearing is processed in one of the Social Security Administration’s 16 hearing offices and 1 satellite office. The San Antonio ODAR Hearing Office, which services the city of Laredo, is listed below.

Social Security Administration,
Office of Disability Adjudication and Review,
Trinity Building, Suite 100,
4204 Woodcock Drive,
San Antonio, Texas 78228-1323

Telephone: (210) 731-3301
Fax: (210) 733-8054

The San Antonio ODAR Hearing Office services the following Texas cities: Alice, Corpus Christi, Del Rio, Eagle Pass, Kerrville, Laredo, San Antonio, San Marcos, Seguin, and Victoria.

The Social Security Administration funds the DARS Division for Disability Determination Services (DDS) which makes disability determinations for Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income for claimants in Laredo and throughout the state of Texas.

All Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income applications submitted at a Laredo SSA Field Office are forwarded to the DARS Division for Disability Determination Office for review. The Social Security Administration makes the final decision to determine whether or not a person is eligible to receive SSD benefits.

4900 N. Lamar Boulevard,
Austin, TX 78751

Phone Number: (800) 628-5115
Web Site:

Mailing Address:

Texas Rehabilitation Commission,
Disability Determination Services,
P.O. Box 149198,
Austin, Texas 78714-9198

Telephone: 512-437-8000

According to the Social Security Administration, the SSA field offices in Laredo and throughout the state of Texas perform a full range of services. Laredo claimants may apply for SSDI or SSI, replace their Social Security cards, make changes to their benefits information or the SSA will help Medicare beneficiaries with limited income and resources apply for extra help with the cost of their prescription drugs under the new Medicare Prescription Drug Program. The SSA Field Office for Laredo is listed below.

Social Security Administration,
215 Calle Del Norte,
Laredo, TX 78041

Telephone: (866) 704-4857

Free Case Review!

Contact Info

Phone Number
Is an attorney already helping you with your claim?
Have you had a full-time job for at least 5 out of the past 10 years?
Do you expect to be out of work for at least 12 months?
Where do you need a Disability Attorney?
Applicant's Age?
Are you able to work?
When did the condition first begin to affect the applicant?
Has the applicant been forced to stop or reduce work hours?
Has the applicant previously applied for social security disability?
Is the applicant currently being treated by a doctor?