
Social Security Disability in Glendale, AZ

Qualifications to receive SSI and SSDI benefits in Glendale

What if you are disabled and unable to work? Did you know if you have consistently worked and you become disabled with a severe mental or physical health condition which does not allow you to work for at least 12 continuous months you may be entitled to disability benefits provided by the Federal Government?

Social Security Disability Insurance is provided to workers who have paid taxes and accumulated 20-40 work credits during their employment working jobs “covered” by Social Security. A full-time worker can generally earn 4 credits per year, but the amount of work credits needed to qualify for Glendale SSDI will vary based on the age of the worker at the time they become disabled.

Auxiliary SSDI benefits in Glendale are also provided to widows, widowers, dependents and disabled dependents over 18 years old, who were disabled prior to the age of 22, (under some conditions) if the primary wage earner in their family qualifies for SSDI or is deceased and was receiving SSDI at the time of their death.

What if you have not worked, have not worked outside of the home or have worked but have not paid taxes? Unfortunately, you will not qualify for SSDI is Glendale.

Another option for some claimants who are aged (65 years or older), disabled or blind is Supplemental Security Income. The Federal Government offers monthly cash assistance to individuals with these conditions who have very limited income and resources. In many states, claimants who receive Supplemental Security Income may also qualify for Medicaid.

Were you denied benefits? You are not alone, hire a disability benefits lawyer

The first thing you should know when you are disabled and applying for Social Security Disability is that nine times out of ten, the first application is denied. There are very specific and outlined paths that you can take when you have been denied, you will want to obtain the services of a Glendale Social Security Disability lawyer or advocate to help you navigate this path, so you can obtain the benefits you need and deserve. Your chosen lawyer or advocate will essentially help make the entire procedure a less complicated and aggravating one for you. When you are suffering from a disability, there is a lot you have to deal with, piling mountains of paperwork and red tape atop of the situation will be extremely irritating to you, this is why it is suggested you find a reputable, experienced, and knowledgeable Glendale disability lawyer or advocate to help you.

If you have already applied, if you are denied the Social Security Administration (SSA) will send you a letter of denial, this letter will outline their decision, why they made the denial, and what type of medical records (if any) they used as a basis in their denial. The date atop of that letter is essentially a clock starter for the appeals process. Your Glendale social security disability lawyer or advocate can help you make sure you get your appeals started on a timely basis, as this is crucial to your receiving your benefits. He or she will know and understand that from the moment the SSA wrote the denial letter (the date atop of the letter) you will have no more than 65 days to file for a reconsideration.

Your Glendale lawyer or advocate will file the two forms that are needed for reconsideration, that are called the Reconsideration Disability Report and the Request for Reconsideration. These are two very important forms and your lawyer or advocate will know exactly what to put on these forms and what to include. (Click here for a FREE evaluation) and let us help you find the Glendale Social Security Disability lawyer or advocate you need.

The documentation that should be included with your reconsideration forms include, medial records showing that the symptoms you experience are deemed with greater severity than what was previously shown on the original records. Other documentation should include, new test results and other proof of the disability, items that shows your disability meets the requirements set forth by the Social security administration on their list of impairments, and other items such as a symptom diary or testimony by a third party.

Your Glendale disability lawyer or advocate will be able to help you obtain all necessary documentation, talk to physicians and other people close to you, and help you through all necessary appeals and hearings. (Click here today) for your free evaluation and begin on the road to receiving the benefits you need and deserve to live a better quality of life with your disability. If you reside outside of Glendale, we have many Social Security lawyers and advocates in the surrounding areas of Arizona such as Apache Junction, Casa Adobes, Phoenix, Flagstaff, and Mesa.

Claimants who live in Glendale, Arizona, or any of the surrounding cities including Conway, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Springdale, Malvern, Rogers, Benton, Hot Sprints, Van Buren or Muskogee, can contact a regional Social Security Administration office to discuss their Social Security Disability application with a Social Security Disability specialist. There are three main ways to contact the Social Security Administration Offices:

  • Applying by phone, call the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213
  • Filing for SSDI or SSI benefits on your computer, visit them online at
  • Or file for disability benefits in person, visit a Social Security Disability regional representative in your area. Locate the nearest Social Security Administration office by visiting the Social Security Administration website at Go to the office locator page and enter your zip code. The site will display the nearest Social Security Administration Office in your area.

The Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR) Office files all reconsiderations, schedules hearings and handles all Appeal Council reviews. The ODAR office for the San Francisco Region services residents in Arizona, Arizona, Hawaii and Nevada along with the territories of American Samoa, Guam and Saipan. The address for the San Francisco ODAR Regional Office is listed below.

Social Security Administration,
Office of Disability and Adjudication and Review,
5th Floor,
555 Battery Street,
San Francisco, Arizona 94111

Telephone: (866) 964- 7584
Fax: (415) 705-2020

Each request for a Social Security Disability hearing is processed by one of the Social Security Administration’s 21 hearing offices. The address and phone number for Pasadena ODAR Hearing Office is listed below.

Social Security Administration,
Office of Disability Adjudication and Review,
Pasadena Towers 1,
800 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 500,
Pasadena, Arizona 91101

Telephone: (866) 354- 0220
Fax: (626) 793- 3080

The Pasadena ODAR Hearing Office services the Social Security Administration Offices in Alhambra, El Monte, Glendale, Glendora, Pasadena, and West Covina.

Claimants can submit their completed Social Security Disability applications to the appropriate Division of Disability Determination Service Office for a disability determination. The DDS attempts to notify the claimant within 90 days if they have been approved for either Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income in Arizona. The DDS Offices which service the state of Arizona, including Glendale, are listed below.

Disability Determination Services,
4000 North Central Avenue, Suite 1800,
Phoenix, AZ 85012


Disability Determination Services,
5441 East 22nd Street, Suite 135,
Tucson, AZ 85711


According to the Social Security Administration, the Social Security Administration Field Offices review SSDI or SSI applications, replace Social Security cards, and work with claimants to update their benefits information. The address and phone numbers for the Glendale Arizona Social Security Administration Field Office in the state of Arizona is listed below.

Social Security Administration,
5907 W Kings Ave,
Glendale, AZ 85306

Telephone: 1-800-772-1213

Free Case Review!

Contact Info

Phone Number
Is an attorney already helping you with your claim?
Have you had a full-time job for at least 5 out of the past 10 years?
Do you expect to be out of work for at least 12 months?
Where do you need a Disability Attorney?
Applicant's Age?
Are you able to work?
When did the condition first begin to affect the applicant?
Has the applicant been forced to stop or reduce work hours?
Has the applicant previously applied for social security disability?
Is the applicant currently being treated by a doctor?