13 Activities for the Newly Disabled

Mobility Challenged, Now What?

Many times, disability occurs quite suddenly. The rapid onset of an illness or recovery from emergency procedures can change the way we live our lives in an instant. The time shortly following a change in our physical state can leave us longing for the activities in which we used to participate. Our sense of loss can sometimes cloud the process of discovering creative new ways to enjoy ourselves. Here are a few suggestions to help open your mind to new activities and some old favorites that you can enjoy if you have recently developed limited mobility.



A classic pastime. Most movie theaters have handicapped access, or special rows to accommodate wheel chairs.



Check out the local culture and perhaps even perform a little something of your own.

For those with the full use of the upper body, kayaking can be a fun way of seeing new sights and staying in shape. Every physical activity we perform helps to strengthen all of our body, even if we are not directly engaging all of our muscles. Maintaining tone in the areas that we are able to use helps to aid the healing process throughout the entire body.



It may sound trite, but it is a truly relaxing activity on a beautiful weekend afternoon.

Computer games are entertaining tools that can challenge the mind. If you haven’t checked out the current selection lately, check again. Because of the increasing demand for computer games, there is now a genre for almost every taste.

The weblog phenomenon has provided the world with an incredible, highly accessible, free form of therapy. Keeping an online journal of your personal trials, tribulations, and joys while sharing with a community of like-minded individuals can greatly aid in the healing process. To get started, check out.



We’ve all got a board hiding somewhere in our house. Chess is the classic game of strategy, skill, and patience.

If you are experiencing limited mobility for an extended period of time, resist the tendency to watch TV all of the time. Instead, take advantage of the time that you have by getting a Rosetta Stone program and learning a new language.

The concept is a lot like what they do on the TV shows Pimp My Ride and Overhaulin’… Because nothing compliments a wheelchair like some 22″ chrome spinners and a pinstripe on the seat.

Use your time to bring back the art of the hand-written letter. With the fast-paced and oftentimes impersonal exchange of emails, texts, and tweets, a simple letter on a beautiful piece of stationary is a breath of fresh air.

Acrylic, drawing, charcoal, multimedia, and watercolors are wonderful ways to express your creativity that can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Many people express a desire to create a piece of literature at some point in their lives. If you suddenly find yourself on disability and not working, use your time to work out the tales that have been floating around in your head. Get some things on paper, and you may even find yourself heading down a new career path. Don’t’ forget: November is National Novel Writing Month.

It’s not just for grandmas anymore! These days, everybody and their brother (literally) are knitting up a storm. It is a surprisingly addicting hobby that results in beautiful and useful products.

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When did the condition first begin to affect the applicant?
Has the applicant been forced to stop or reduce work hours?
Has the applicant previously applied for social security disability?
Is the applicant currently being treated by a doctor?