Madison Social Security Disability Attorney
Disability Lawyer in Madison
When you have become disabled, it is extremely important that you obtain the help of a qualified, experienced, and knowledgeable Madison Social Security Disability Attorney. With the help of the disability attorney, you will gain extensive knowledge in the way the social security administration works to approve or deny disability benefit claims. You will also have a hard working and experienced ally to help you in gaining the benefits you need and deserve to help you lead a solid, high quality life that you lead prior to your disability.
In general, in order to receive social security disability benefits you must have worked a minimum of five of the last ten years and meet specific disability requirements as set forth by the social security administration in their guidelines. However, there are certain, special situations that apply that could help you become eligible to receive benefits. One special type of situation is for those that are blind or are affected with low vision. If you are blind it is important to know how the social security administration defines the term “Legally Blind”.
You must have vision problems that cannot be corrected to specific ranges. For example, if you have one eye that is better than the other and correction to the better eye cannot be made to at least 20/200 or if the field of vision, even using corrective lenses, is less than 20 degrees, you are considered legally blind. It is important to know that many people, even if they meet the legal definition of blindness, may still have some of their sight left and have the ability to move around without the use of a guide dog or cane.
Even if you do not meet all the requirements needed to be considered legally blind, you might still be able to qualify for benefits. It is important to talk with your Madison disability attorney or advocate and find out all the specific guidelines that you need to know, click here for your free evaluation today. If your blindness or problems with vision prevents you from working, even if coupled with another health problem, you might still be able to gain disability benefits.
The social security administration has put forth a special set of guidelines for those who are blind, because having vision problems places an impact that is severe, on the disabled person’s ability to work. One special rule is the amount of earnings a blind person can earn on a monthly basis, in 2006 the amount a blind person can earn each money is $1,450. This is typically higher than those who are not blind, but are disabled.
Click here today and let us help you find a qualified and experienced Madison social security disability attorney or advocate to help you in your claim for disability benefits. For those who live outside of the Madison area, we have many highly experienced attorney’s available to you all throughout the entire state of Wisconsin in areas such as, Waterloo, St. Joseph, Germantown, Lake Geneva, and Liberty.