
Social Security Disability in Fresno, CA

Qualifications to receive SSI and SSDI benefits in Fresno

If you are disabled and unable to work you may be able to qualify for Social Security Disability benefits in Fresno, California. The Social Security Administration offers two Social Security Disability benefit programs for individuals who are disabled and are unable to work. They are Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) was created to help the primary wage earner of a family replace their wages if they are unable to work due to a mental or physical health condition. Social Security Disability Insurance in Fresno is only available for workers who are unable to work for at least 12 continuous months due to a severe disabling health condition. The Fresno worker must have also worked long enough and paid enough employment taxes to be considered “insured”.

Fresno Social Security Disability Insurance is also available to the widows, widowers or dependent children of the wage earner who is currently receiving SSDI benefits or has received SSDI benefits in the past.

Workers who have not worked and paid taxes and who are not considered insured, will not qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance in Fresno. They may, however, be eligible to receive Fresno Supplemental Security Income benefits.

SSI in Fresno is offered to the blind, aged (65 years and older), or disabled. Fresno claimants must also meet the current income requirements and the resource requirements ($2000 per individual and $3,000 per couple).

Hire a disability benefits lawyer to appeal your case and get your benefits!
If you are denied social security disability benefits, it can be simply devastating to you and your entire family. The fact remains that you have a disability, you do not have the ability to work any longer, the bills keep arriving, and you need health care. When the social security administration denies your social security disability claim it can be especially hard on you if you have a family that is dependant upon your support to maintain a high quality of life. It is important that you seek the advice and help of a Fresno social security disability attorney or advocate that is experienced and determine to help you in getting the benefits you deserve and need.

Your Fresno social security disability attorney or advocate will be able to help you through the various processes of ALJ hearings, disability appeals, and even federal court appeals. Your attorney or advocate should be willing to help you in all ways possible to get he benefits you deserve from the social security administration. With an ALJ (Administrative Law Judge) you will attend a hearing that will allow you to appeal the decision made and let the ALJ hear the entire aspects of your disability and situation. It is imperative that you have a Fresno social security lawyer or advocate with you at these hearings. He or she will be knowledgeable in your case, the laws that apply, and the social security administrations rules and regulations that you may not be aware of.

If you go into the hearing without a lawyer or advocate who is experienced and knowledgeable in these types of cases the likelihood of winning drops at an alarming rate. It can sometimes take up to thirteen months to get your hearing on the social security disability benefits claim. Your lawyer or advocate can help you plead dire need and may be able to move the date up significantly. A lawyer or advocate is beneficial in this type of situation.

If you are still denied a the ALJ hearing your Fresno disability benefits lawyer or SSI/SSDI advocate can go even further and take your appeal to the appeal council on your behalf. You will want an attorney or advocate that is very familiar with the law and how the various jurisdictions work in different areas. When you approach the appeals council, they will first look a the decision made by the administrative law judge. They will be looking for any type of procedural errors. Your Fresno social security disability attorney or advocate will provide any briefs that are necessary to the council and provide any type of new evidence that may have arisen in your case.

You should obtain the services of a Fresno SSDI/SSI disability attorney or advocate who remains in consistent contact with you throughout all of the processes, reevaluate your case on a regular basis for new information, and help you obtain the social security disability benefits you deserve.

The first thing that should be done is that you should contact your local social security administration at the contact information below and begin the process of applying for social security disability. If your claim is denied for any reason, consult your Fresno social security disability attorney or advocate for advice and further action. (Click here for a FREE consultation) with a social security disability attorney in Fresno.

To apply for Social Security Disability Benefits in Fresno or the surrounding cities of: Clovis, Cameo, Los Palmas, Easton, Raisin City, and Caruthers, you can either:

  • Apply for SSDI or SSI by telephone, call the Social Security Administration’s Office at 1-800-772-1213
  • File for disability benefits online, visit them at and see if you qualify for social security at your convenience.
  • Or filing in person, make an appointment and meet with a Fresno Social Security Administration Office representative. To locate the nearest social security office in your area of Fresno, go to the website and find the office locator page. Enter your zip code and the nearest Social Security Regional Office in your area will be listed. Most applying for social security disability in Fresno do so in this manner.
  • Your completed Social Security Disability application will be sent to the appropriate Social Security Administration Office for processing.

If your application is denied and you decide to appeal the decision the hearings are scheduled and managed through the Social Security Administration Office of Disability Adjudication and Review for the San Francisco Region which is located at:

5th Floor
555 Battery Street,
San Francisco, California 94111

Telephone: (415) 705-2000
Fax: (415) 705-2020

Each request for a hearing is processed by one of the Social Security Administration’s 21 hearing offices. The address, location, and phone number for the Fresno Office is listed below.

SSA, Office of Disability Adjudication and Review,
2440 Tulare Street, Suite 300,
Fresno, California 93721

Telephone: (866)-596-7568
Fax: (559) 443-1281

The Office of Disability Determination Services Office (DDS) in Fresno will make disability decisions for claimants in Fresno, California.

Disability Determination Services,
P.O. Box 28931,
CA 93729-9835

Telephone: 559-440-5000

Tip: Contact the social security office prior to visiting. You want to make sure that the Fresno disability office can certainly handle your specific needs.

Social Security Administration,
Southeast Fresno,
640 West Locust Avenue,
Fresno, CA 93650

Phone: (866) 931-9041
Fax: (559) 487-5369

Social Security Administration,
West Fresno,
5060 East Clinton Way,
Fresno, CA 93727-1506

Phone: (866)-366-4918
Fax: (559) 487-5763

Social Security Administration
Downtown Fresno,
1052 “C” Street,
Fresno, CA 93706-2008

Phone: (559)487-5391
Fax: (559)487-5275

Free Case Review!

Contact Info

Phone Number
Is an attorney already helping you with your claim?
Have you had a full-time job for at least 5 out of the past 10 years?
Do you expect to be out of work for at least 12 months?
Where do you need a Disability Attorney?
Applicant's Age?
Are you able to work?
When did the condition first begin to affect the applicant?
Has the applicant been forced to stop or reduce work hours?
Has the applicant previously applied for social security disability?
Is the applicant currently being treated by a doctor?