Fort Wayne

Social Security Disability in Fort Wayne, IN

Qualify for Disability Benefits Insurance in Fort Wayne

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) has been created by the Federal Government to provide wage replacement benefits for individuals who are severely impaired and who are unable to work for at least 12 continuous months.

Fort Wayne SSDI claimants are only considered eligible if they have paid employment taxes and worked jobs covered by Social Security. Workers must earn 20-40 work credits over the course of their employment. Most full-time workers can earn 4 work credits per year. The number of credits needed to qualify for SSDI in Indiana will vary based on the age of the claimant at the time of disability.

What if a claimant has not worked or has worked but not paid taxes? Unfortunately, they will not be eligible to receive Social Security Disability Insurance in Fort Wayne. The Federal Government has, however, provided another monthly wage assistance benefit through Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Supplemental Security Income in Fort Wayne can be paid to the disabled, aged (age 65 and older), or blind who are unable to work and who have very limited income and resources.

Applicants who qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance in Fort Wayne will be eligible for Medicare within 24 months from the date of their disability. Claimants who receive SSI in Fort Wayne will qualify for Medicaid at the time of their approval.

Fort Wayne lawyers speed up the process with Dire Need

For those who have applied for social security disability, they have found that the process can take quite a long time. This can be extremely excruciating for a person who is disabled, has to pay bills, can no longer work, and has no other means of income. Waiting for the process to be completed by the social security administration can be a long and lengthy one. If you hire the right Fort Wayne social security disability attorney or advocate you may be able to speed the process up, there is a stipulation called dire need, in these cases the process may hurried in efforts to help the person continue to live comfortably.

When you become disabled and can work no longer, life itself becomes extremely difficult. Things that you normally thought would always be there, such as electricity, water, gas, or food may become threatened. This is especially true for those who have no income, do not have the ability to work any more, and have no other general source of income available to them. Many disabled people do not like to ask for help, though sometimes there is no other alternative. This is where your Fort Wayne social security disability lawyer or advocate can help you. If you find that you cannot wait for a lengthy review then your social security attorney or SSI and SSDI advocate may be able to speed up the process and get your disability benefits faster.

Click here for a FREE case evaluation.

Those with a disability that are seeking social security disability benefits often try extremely hard to help themselves. If this seems like it is too hard of a task you should not feel ashamed to ask for help. Your Fort Wayne social security disability attorney or advocate is there to help you in any way he or she can. Even if you have the ability to work a little bit (within confines of the social security administration’s limits) you will earn a little money to help, but this may not be enough to pay your bills until your social security benefits come through.

Your Fort Wayne social security disability attorney or advocate should be able to direct you to a community clinic that can help you in a variety of ways with utility bills, health care, and necessities, while he or she speeds up the review process in efforts to get your social security disability benefits faster. Your chosen lawyer or advocate should be thee to help you and guide you n the right direction to obtain the help and services you need. You will especially need the essentials and health care to continue to live a good and productive life. Do not hesitate to ask your Fort Wayne social security disability lawyer or advocate for help in finding the right services for you, while he or she is taking care of your social security disability benefits claim.

The first thing that should be done is that you should contact your local social security administration at the contact information below and begin the process of applying for social security disability. If your claim is denied for any reason, consult your social security disability attorney or advocate in Fort Wayne for advice and further action.

Claimants may apply for either Social Security Disability Insurance or Supplemental Security Income in Fort Wayne or any of the surrounding cities including: Warsaw, Decatur, New Haven, Auburn, Huntington, Defiance, Celina, Marion, Goshen and Sturgis in one of the following ways:

  1. Calling the Social Security Administration at 1-800-772-1213.
  2. Visiting the nearest Fort Wayne Social Security Administration regional office. If you do not know the nearest Social Security Administration office, visit the Social Security Administration website at Locate the Office Locator page and enter your zip code to find the regional Social Security Administration Office nearest you.
  3. Visiting the Social Security Administration’s website at and applying online.

The Office of Disability Adjudication and Review (ODAR) Chicago Region services and schedules appeal hearings for residents in the six state areas comprised of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The phone number and address for the Chicago Regional Disability Office is listed below.

Social Security Administration,
Office of Disability Adjudication and Review,
200 West Adams Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60606

Telephone: (877) 800-7576

Each request for a hearing is processed by one of the Social Security Administration’s 25 hearing offices. The address, location, and phone number for the Fort Wayne Regional Hearing Office is listed below:

Social Security Administration,
Office of Disability Adjudication and Review,
6511 Brotherhood Way,
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825

Telephone: (866) 770- 1735
Fax: (260) 484- 7188

The Fort Wayne Regional Hearing Offices services the following Social Security Administration Field Offices in Indiana: Auburn, Elkhart, Fort Wayne, and Marion.

The Disability Determination Service (DDS) reviews the medical records and other supporting documents for the claimant and determines if a claimant is disabled. The address for the DDS in Indiana listed below.

P.O. Box 7069,
Indianapolis, IN 46207-7069

Professional Relations Officer

According to the Social Security Administration, the SSA field offices, (social security offices), in Fort Wayne and throughout the state of Indiana perform a full range of services. Claimants may apply for SSDI or SSI, replace their Social Security cards, make changes to their benefits information or the SSA will help Medicare beneficiaries with limited income and resources apply for extra help with the cost of their prescription drugs under the new Medicare Prescription Drug Program. The areas Social Security Administration Field Offices for the state of Indiana is listed below. You should call the social security office before visiting to ensure that they can handle your needs.

Social Security Administration,
2122 Lincolnway Court,
Fort Wayne, IN 46819

Telephone: 260-747-6072

Free Case Review!

Contact Info

Phone Number
Is an attorney already helping you with your claim?
Have you had a full-time job for at least 5 out of the past 10 years?
Do you expect to be out of work for at least 12 months?
Where do you need a Disability Attorney?
Applicant's Age?
Are you able to work?
When did the condition first begin to affect the applicant?
Has the applicant been forced to stop or reduce work hours?
Has the applicant previously applied for social security disability?
Is the applicant currently being treated by a doctor?